Spotlight Interview with Mrs Enimien Inegbedion Proprietress, Arcadia Montessori School, Lekki, Lagos.

My name is Enimien Inegbedion. I am a mum of two – a girl and a boy. I studied Computer Science at the University of the West of England in Bristol and then went on to obtain an MBA, after which I started working in the telecom space in Nigeria. I worked there for about four years before I got married and moved back to the UK. While I was there I fell in love with the Montessori way of life. I have always had a natural connection with children and a desire to impact them one way or the other. For a while, I focused on photography, one of my many passions. I was taking pictures of children, women, families and the children always had a natural affinity for me. So, I kept thinking to myself that if I work so well with them, I want to do something that will impact them at this foundational stage. Eventually, I came across the Montessori Method of education for early years and I thought, “this is perfect!” So, I enrolled for a diploma in Montessori Education and did the Teacher Training. When we moved back to Nigeria, I decided to start a Montessori school and it’s been running since 2016. We started out in Victoria Island and we have now moved to Lekki.

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