With the privilege of knowledge comes the burden of action. Without one,
the other is in vain.
Welcome to our new quarterly education magazine – the Neo-Montessori Life! It is so exciting to embark on this aspect of Montessori education journey with the publication of the Neo-Montessori Life magazine to provide a voice and effective platform for Montessori education in Nigeria and Africa.
The Montessori Method of education was developed by Dr Maria Montessori over 100 years ago. It is a child-focused, child-centred approach to education based on scientific observations of children’s development from birth to adulthood leading to an education approach that supports children’s natural development, provides them with the skills and support to reach their full
potential in life.
Montessori education is based on self-directed developmentally appropriate activities, hands-on learning and collaborative play in a carefully prepared unique and engaging learning environment.
Montessori education develops the whole child: academics, ability to think creatively and understand the needs of others, problem solving skills, order, perseverance, concentration, freedom within limits, interaction with others, strong emotional, behavioral, and moral foundation are all equally important in Montessori education hence Montessori education builds a child’s capability
to become an active, motivated, confident, independent learner who becomes a fulfilled and productive adult who is prepared for the real world and able to contribute to the world—at home, at work, and in his community.
The Neo-Montessori Life magazine is for parents, educators, organisations and indeed for everybody who believes that a high quality child education should actually be a preparation for life for that child!
The Neo-Montessori Life magazine is poised to provide clear information and knowledge about authentic Montessori education and its principles, resources, teacher-education and child education in Nigeria and throughout Africa; to get Montessori education to be well-understood, desired, recognized, accessible and included in formal and informal education to the benefit of the Nigerian and African children and to link Nigeria to the international Montessori community.
We will work with Nigerian and African educators and parents in many ways including the collection, collation and sharing of information on our rich local materials and culture and how they are useful parts of Montessori education. We will also work with the international Montessori community to ensure the information we provide is current and to ensure that Nigeria and Africa benefit from the international researches carried out by different authentic agencies on Montessori education.
As educators and guardians of the future generations, we must stay informed and updated at all times. We must strive to harness the immense power and energy of the global Montessori community to provide greater levels of humanitarian assistance locally even while contributing globally. We must involve more Montessori students, alumni, teachers, administrators, other educators, adult learners, corporations and parents to achieve this.
I am very keen to learn from fellow Montessorians and other educators on what your needs are and how we can work more productively and effectively together to promote and support Montessori education in Nigeria and Africa to the benefit of the Nigerian and African children.
Co-operation and collaboration have been the bedrock of Montessori education for all ages so let’s do it together!